
Welcome Registration Abstract submission Program Participant list Abstract list

Abstract submission

You must be registered to submit an abstract. Abstract submission will close on April 29, 2022.

Oral or poster presentation will be decided by the Scientific Organizing Committee (poster should be prepared in A0 format with longest dimension vertically).

List of scientific themes:

  1. exosphere and magnetosphere dynamics
  2. surface geology and composition
  3. deep interior geophysics and planetary evolution
  4. fundamental physics with Bepi-Colombo
  5. miscellaneous

Thank you for filling the boxes below (boxes marked with a star (*) are mandatory).

* Family name and first name :
Additional author(s):
Additional institutions(s):
* Title of presentation :
* In which of the scientific themes above do you submit this abstract ?
* Abstract (3000 characters maximum ; equations in LaTeX format are accepted) :
You have entered 0 characters.
You have 3000 characters.
Do you prefer poster or oral presentation (final decision will be made by the SOC on May 16, 2022) ?
Do you have any additional comment?
