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Modeling the impact of a strong X-class solar flare on the planetary ion composition in Mercury's magnestosphere


WERNER Elisabeth




Auteur(s) supplémentaire(s)F. Leblanc (1), J-Y. Chaufray (1), R. Modolo (1), S. Aizawa (3), L. Hadid (4), C. Baskevitch (1)
Institution(s) supplémentaire(s)(1) LATMOS (2) Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden (3) IRAP (4) LPP


Solar flares could potentially give rise to sudden changes in the planetary ion composition in Mercury's magnetosphere. We model the time-dependent  evolution of the Mg+, Na+, O+ and He+ ion density distribution during the extreme X9.3-class solar flare  event on 6 September 2017 with the Latmos Ionized Exosphere (LIZE) model. We find
that the peak ion density in the nightside plasma sheet is delayed by $\sim 7-8$ min compared to the dayside, and that the maximum Mg+ density occurs $\sim 4$ min before He+ and O+ in the whole magnetosphere. We also find that there exist two ion energy populations on the dayside which experience different dynamical evolution during the event.

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