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Name Theme of presentation (1-5) Title of presentation
Aizawa Sae Theme1 Escape and precipitation of planetary ions at Mercury under different solar wind conditions
Aizawa Sae Theme1 The first simultaneous observation of low energy ions and electrons at Mercury during the first BepiColombo flyby
Andre Nicolas Theme5 SPIS simulation of Bepi Colombo interaction with the plasma environment encountered during the Venusian and Hermean flybys: influence on plasma measurements
Andre Nicolas Theme5 Overview of low-energy electron observations from the Mercury Electron Analyzers onboard Mio/BepiColombo during cruise phase and planetary flybys
Barraud Océane Theme5 The BepiColombo Surface and Environment Interactions Studies Group (SEIS)
Barraud Océane Theme2 The lack of hollows in the Mercury’s high-reflectance red plains
Benkhoff Johannes Theme5 BepiColombo – comprehensive exploration of Mercury: first results and mission status
Bentley Mark Theme5 BepiColombo science data in the Planetary Science Archive - current status and future plans
Bertoli Silvia Theme2 Landform analysis and age determination of craters in the North pole regions of Mercury
Besse Sebastien Theme2 Updating the Mercury Mean Spectra using 4.7 millions MASCS Spectra
Blance Alistair Theme2 Prevalence and Significance of Ejecta Flows on Mercury: A Global Survey
Bott Nicolas Theme2 Simulating micrometeoroid bombardment of Mercury analog samples
Caminiti Emma Theme2 Evolution of Mercury’s crust: A common process for the formation of smooth plains associated with impact basins
Cappuccio Paolo Theme3 Mercury gravity field and rotational state with the BepiColombo MORE experiment
Cartier Camille Theme5 A large proto-Mercury as the aubrite parent body
Chabot Nancy Theme2 Topography, Illumination, and Thermal Models of Mercury’s Polar Deposits
Charlier Bernard Theme3 A consistent model for the chemical, mineralogical, and physical characteristics of Mercury’s crust
Chaufray Jean-Yves Theme2 EUV reflectance of Mercury measured by BepiColombo/PHEBUS
Conway Susan Theme2 Landforms caused by downslope mass wasting on Mercury
Cornet Thomas Theme2 Exploring the MASCS data set through the MeSS database
Deborde Robin Theme1 Investigating the effect of surface – exosphere interactions
Denevi Brett Theme3 The Evolution of Mercury's Crust
Deutsch Ariel Theme2 Investigating 1064-nm Albedo along Mercury’s Hot and Cold Poles
Di Stefano Ivan Theme4 The MORE fundamental physics test at Mercury
Doressoundiram Alain Theme2 A spectral study of the Caloris basin and its smooth plains’ relationship
Filacchione Gianrico Theme2 Spectral detection of ices in Mercury’s PSRs by SIMBIOSYS-VIHI on BepiColombo mission
Fraenz Markus Theme4 Effects of spacecraft outgassing and potential at Mercury
Futaana Yoshifumi Theme1 Energetic Neutral Atom imaging at Mercury: Science objectives and the initial operation of the MPPE/ENA instrument on Mio
Galiano Anna Theme2 Principal Component Analysis and Spectral Angle Mapper on MASCS/MESSENGER data for the spectral characterization of Mercury surface
Giroud-Proeschel Elisabeth Theme2 Investigation of Hollow Locations in Craters of Different Degradation Classes
Glantzberg Allison Theme2 Investigating the Distribution of Surface Ice in Mercury's Northernmost Craters
Glass Austin Theme1 Mercury's Plasma Sheet Horn from MESSENGER Data
Griton Léa Theme1 Global 3D numerical simulations of the magnetosphere of Mercury in a dynamic solar wind
Hadid Lina Theme1 Evidence of planetary Oxygen and Carbon ions in the outer flank of Venus magnetosheath
Head James Theme3 Mercury Magmatic, Tectonic and Geodynamic History: A Comparative Planetology Analysis
Hirata Kaori Theme2 Comparison of magma eruption fluxes in the Rembrandt and Caloris interior plains: implications for the north-south smooth plains asymmetry
Ho George Theme1 Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere
Hood Lon Theme2 Magnetic Anomalies Aligned Radial to the Caloris Impact Basin: Further Evidence for Ejecta Deposit Sources
Hyodo Ryuki Theme2 Late accretion onto Mercury
Iess Luciano Theme4 Tests or relativistic gravity with the MORE investigation on BepiColombo
Imber Suzie Theme1 Mercury's Magnetospheric Dynamics
Jozwiak Lauren Theme2 Understanding the Age and Distribution of Explosive Volcanism on Mercury: Insights from Pyroclastic Deposits
Karlsson Tomas Theme1 MESSENGER observations of short, large-amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) in the Mercury foreshock
Killen Rosemary Theme1 Mercury's Exosphere - Current Knowledge and Uncertainties
Koutroumpa Dimitra Theme1 PHEBUS observations of the He 58.4 nm emission during Bepi Colombo’s first Mercury Flyby
Kreslavsky Mikhail Theme2 Ponded Melt Deposits Antipodal to Large Young Impact Craters on Mercury
Lark Laura Theme3 Mercury: Thermal evolution of a layered system
Lavorenti Federico Theme1 Electron dynamics at Mercury: acceleration, circulation and precipitation processes using a global fully-kinetic model
Leblanc Francois Theme1 Modelling Mercury’s exospheric sodium seasonal variability
Lennox Annie Theme2 Lobate Ejecta Deposits at Mercury's South Pole (H15)
Livi Stefano Theme1 Strofio Status and Measurements Outlook
Man Benjamin Theme2 Newly discovered widespread extensional grabens on Mercury’s compressional structures
Mangano Valeria Theme1 Coordinated campaign of ground-based observations of Mercury’s exosphere in 2021
Mckee Michael Theme2 Investigating the Incidence Angle Effect on X-ray Fluorescence with the MIXS Ground Reference Facility
Milillo Anna Theme1 BepiColombo First Mercury Fly-by: first taste of the mission results on investigation of the environment around the planet
Milillo Anna Theme5 MERCURY IMPACTOR: A mission to study below the surface
Morissey Liam Theme2 Quantifying Mineral and Position Specific Surface Binding Energies for Multiscale Modelling of Solar Wind Sputtering on Mercury
Morlok Andreas Theme2 Mid-Infrared Reflectance Studies of Mercury Surface Regolith Analogs
Moroni Martina Theme1 Micro-meteoroids impact vaporization (MMIV) as source for Ca and CaO exosphere along Mercury’s orbit
Moroni Martina Theme1 Micro-meteoroids impact vaporization (MMIV) as source for Ca and CaO exosphere along Mercury’s orbit
Muñoz Claudio Theme5 The MeSS (Mercury Surface Spectroscopy) Database Architecture and Contents
Mura Alessandro Theme1 Yearly variability of Mercury's exosphere: comparison of the Na and Ca cases.
Murakami Go Theme1 Updated status and results of BepiColombo/Mio during interplanetary cruise phase
Namur Olivier Theme3 Carbon partitioning under reducing conditions: implications for Mercury
Orsini Stefano Theme1 Remote sensing of Mercury sodium emission and relationships with magnetospheric activity
Persson Moa Theme1 The scenic tour of the Venusian magnetosheath by BepiColombo
Prado Antonio Theme1 Some useful orbits around Mercury for scientific missions
Pump Kristin Theme1 Revised Modular Model of Mercury’s Magnetospheric Magnetic Field
Robidel Rozenn Theme1 Observations of Mercury’s Exosphere during BepiColombo First Mercury Flyby with PHEBUS’ visible channels
Rothery David Theme2 BepiColombo surface science objectives
Sahraoui Fouad Theme1 Characterizing plasma turbulence in the Hermean environment (and beyond)
Saito Yoshifumi Theme1 Venus and Mercury fly-by observation by MPPE-MIA on BepiClombo/Mio
Sanchez-Cano Beatriz Theme5 Space Weather monitoring with BepiColombo
Schmid Daniel Theme1 Magnetic evidence for an extended hydrogen exosphere at Mercury
Schmidt Carl Theme1 Impact Events Observed by MESSENGER UVVS
Schriver David Theme1 Space Weathering of Icy Volatiles within North Polar Permanently Shadowed Regions
Stenzel Oliver Theme5 Handling Cauchy Noise in Laser Altimetry of Mercury – Tests with MESSENGER Data and Prospects for BepiColombo/BELA
Szczech Claudia Camila Theme3 Mercury’s basin inventory and analysis of topography and gravity field data
Szczech Claudia Camila Theme2 Expected characterization of Mercury’s surface from global to local scales by the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA)
Tenthoff Moritz Theme2 Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Mercury with Shape from Shading.
Terada Naoki Theme1 Collisional acceleration of Mercury's sodium exosphere in MMIV-produced clouds
Tognon Gloria Theme2 Targets definition for BepiColombo in eastern H9 Eminescu quadrangle
Tosi Nicola Theme3 Influence of insolation on Mercury’s crustal thickness evolution
Van Hoolst Tim Theme3 Mercury's deep interior and evolution
Volwerk Martin Theme1 Mirror Modes in the Hermean Magnetosheath
Werner Elisabeth Theme1 Modeling the impact of a strong X-class solar flare on the planetary ion composition in Mercury's magnestosphere
Wohlfarth Kay Theme2 A Mystery solved: Wavelength-dependent Seeing changes the normalized spectral slope of Mercury.
Wohlfarth Kay Theme2 Mercury is hot: A fractal thermal roughness Model for MERTIS spectral calibration
Wright Jack Theme2 Georeferenced M-CAM images from BepiColombo’s first Mercury swingby
Wright Jack Theme2 Combining spectral and morphostratigraphic units on Mercury: A case study of the Rachmaninoff basin area
Zambon Francesca Theme2 Spectral analysis of features of interest on Mercury northern hemisphere
Zender Joe Theme5 BepiColombo Mercury Swing-by-2 on 23 June 2022 – An Overview
Zomerdijk-Russell Sophia Theme1 Mercury’s Magnetopause as a Tool for Understanding the Planet’s Interior
